Dominoes are a type of tile-based game, whose origins date back to the 18th century. Each domino is a rectangular tile marked with two square ends and a number of spots (called pips) on each end. A traditional European domino set consists of 28 tiles, although larger sets are available.
The earliest known domino games were played in Italy in the early 18th century, but they soon spread to France and Germany. It is also believed that they were introduced to England by French prisoners around the end of the 18th century.
Throughout history, dominoes have been used in all sorts of games. Among these, the most popular are positional games: players place a domino edge to edge against another in such a way that the adjacent faces either match or form some specified total. Other games involve drawing tiles from a stock or boneyard and placing them on-edge in front of the players.
In a game of dominoes, the first player draws seven tiles from a stock or boneyard and places them on-edge in front of him. He then passes the stock to the next player and continues this process until a single domino remains in play.
Each tile in a domino set has a specific suit. For example, a three-sided tile is a member of the suit of threes, and a two-sided tile is a member of the blank or 0 suit. A six-sided tile is a member of the six-suit, and a four-sided tile is a member of the five-suit.
Many other games use dominoes, including Five-Up, which uses multicolored tiles. The same tiles are also used in board games, such as Chess and Checkers.
Some domino sets are blank, while others feature designs that vary between games. The pips on each face are usually written in Arabic numerals, and some are a combination of numbers and letters.
While a few of the pieces in a domino set can be recognizable, most are difficult to read and identify. That’s why it’s important to create a design that enables the user to easily identify the pips on each piece.
Once a design is in place, it’s time to put the pieces into action. Hevesh starts by making test versions of each section of the installation, filming them in slow motion to make sure they work individually and then putting them together.
As the dominoes fall, some of their potential energy is converted to kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion (see Converting Energy). When that happens, it’s transferred to the next domino, which pushes it over and sets off a chain reaction.
Using the domino effect in your novel can help readers visualize how change can happen when small forces are combined into large ones. It can also help you keep your story grounded in reality, while illustrating the complexities that go into developing a plot.
The domino effect can be applied to any number of scenarios, from mundane tasks to major changes in an entire society or country. It’s a powerful tool for storytelling and can add depth to any character or theme you’re writing about.